The non-profit association “Data for modeling plasmas” (DMP) was granted existence in France in July 2015 under the official name “Données pour la Modélisation des Plasmas”. The objective of this association as stated in its by-laws is to facilitate the exchange of numerical tools and data for modeling the physics and chemistry of plasmas. Although the association was created with the LXCat project in mind, the objective is wide enough to be used for other activities adhering to the same objective, should there be a need.
The precise legal status is “association loi 1901”. The by-laws of the association can be found on the website at An English translation of the important points as well as the complete text in French are posted on this site.
This structure is an “association of members”, who can be individuals or institutions of any nationality, and the members vote on directions the association takes and on how it spends its resources. One way to become a member is to pay an annual dues (10 Euros for individuals, 1500 Euros for institutions). Another way is to donate time and effort to actions related to the objective or to make financial donations. See the website for more detail.
We hope that this structure will become a forum for all people interested in the associations’ objective and that the association will provide continuity for LXCat and other related efforts.
The founding members of the association are: MC Bordage, GJM Hagelaar, S Pancheshnyi and LC Pitchford.
Klaus Bartschat will be the contact person at the GEC 2015 for all issues related to LXCat and to this new association.
For more information, please contact